Lagos State Mental Health Stakeholders forum

       On the 22nd of July 2011, Lagos State Mental Health Stakeholders forum was inaugurated in Lagos by Mr  Owoyemi. LSMHS is a nongovernmental organization which aims at addressing the mental illness of every citizen which is caused by either family background or through the leaders of the people. Every human being is bound to be blessed with a mental capital but the question is how everyone can build up this natural endowment. Mental health is defined as a state of well being in which every individual realizes his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stress of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community. It can either be affected positively or negatively which hitherto can affect our environment to our detriment or success.
     Nigeria which is our country will be the case study of this lingering illness. It is widely accepted that Nigeria is the 6th largest oil producer country in the world today and yet our debt continue to rise yearly. Its estimated revenue yearly or daily stands as 3.348 trillion naira and yet Nigeria is still considered as one of poorest country in the world. Is this not disheartening? This news alone is enough for people to be angry and when anger comes, frustration follows with unrepentant attitudes.
    Nigeria is ranked 134th among the corrupt countries in the world. L.S.M.H.S.F is formed to address the issues of the causes of mental depression among the people which is broadly witnessed in the mental behavior of the populace. The unruly characters that are shown in the attitude of affected people can be psychologically noticed in their behaviours.Nobody is exempted except we all converge together to address this issue by getting the news closer to the people and aims to create a change to bring sanity back into our persons.
    In Nigeria which is our case study, corruption, crime, prostitution, fraud, ritual, armed robbery, drug addicts, drunks, touts, to mention but few is rampant among the people. Yet the government which is the cause of these disheartening behaviors will never stop boasting that they are spending billions on to curbs these inhuman activities.
     Unemployment, lack of basic infrastructures, qualitative education, hunger to mention just but a few is enough to cause mental illness, depression, frustration, which is generally shown or noticed among the people. Lagos State Mental Stakeholders is formed to converge people from different organization to educate mental health issues. Let us all rise up and fight for our right and our mental capital.


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